The important role of the assembly line in the smart mattres

2022-09-13| Announcer: Julin Intelligent|Source:Julin Automation| Views:

The important role of the assembly line in the intelligent mattress industry, optimizing the assembly line is directly related to the quality of the product and the efficiency of production.
The important role of assembly line in industry
1. Optimize the operation time of the first station of the assembly line, and how often to put one board on. This is the input cycle time necessary to meet the production plan. However, in practice, the operation time of the bottleneck station must be longer than that of the first station, and the first station must not be a bottleneck station, so the first station may not be fully invested according to the required cycle time, because the bottleneck station has slowed down its speed, so from the perspective of management, the operator of the first station must be truly required to invest according to the specified speed. The conveyor belt speed of the assembly line can also be used to calculate the daily output. The following is the formula for the conveyor belt speed:
Pitch time of conveyor belt = working time of the whole day / daily output * (1 + defect rate)
Speed of conveyor belt = mark interval distance / pitch time of conveyor belt
The so-called mark interval distance is the distance between marks made on the belt of the assembly line. It is hoped that the operator will complete the operation according to the speed of the marks and place it on the belt line; However, the chain line was not marked, and the length of the board was used as the distance between the marks. Why use conveyor belts? In addition to transporting goods, it also has the function of semi forcing operators to complete their operations according to plans. However, it is not necessary to blindly speed up and try, but should be calculated according to the above formula.
2. Observe which station on the pipeline is the bottleneck station:
(1) Always busy station;
(2) Always stand backward;
(3) From this station, there was a gap between the boards that had been one after another.
The above three points can be detected visually, and the stopwatch is used to measure them. The operation time is the longest in all stations.
The operation time of the bottleneck station becomes the cycle time of the actual output of the whole pipeline, and the daily output formula is as follows:
Daily output = working time of the whole day / inter cycle time
Therefore, as long as the on-site cadres reduce their operation time, they can significantly increase the output, such as taking some parts to other stations, using fixtures to save action, improving the configuration of the operation area, and so on. However, after the bottleneck stations are solved, new bottleneck stations may appear, so it is necessary to improve the new bottleneck stations. Therefore, the efficiency of the whole assembly line will be improved day by day by continuously focusing on the improvement of the bottleneck stations.
3. Observe the cycle time of the board collector at the last station of the pipeline, that is, the cycle time of the actual output. The cycle time of this station must be equal to the bottleneck station. From this station, we can calculate the efficiency of this assembly line. The formula is as follows:
Efficiency = input cycle time / actual cycle time = operation time of the first station / operation time of the last station
Of course, the operation time of the bottleneck station can also be calculated, but it is always simpler and practical to observe the last station.
The number of WIP on the assembly line is equal to:
(operation time of the last station - operation time of the first station) * (working time of the whole day / operation time of the last station)
4. Observation on the moving rate of crops
Work rate = time in operation / working time of the whole day
The so-called Jiadong is the effective work on the assembly line. The operator's sitting on the seat does not mean that he is working. Only when he is working can he make products. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the time of the operator's operation. However, in practice, it is impossible to measure every operator all day, so there is a method of job sampling to simulate measurement. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to see what the operators are doing from time to time.
Assembly line plays an important role in industrial production:
1. Optimize the operation time of the first station of the assembly line, and how often to put one board on. This is the input cycle time necessary to meet the production plan. However, in practice, the operation time of the bottleneck station must be longer than that of the first station, and the first station must not be a bottleneck station, so the first station may not be fully invested according to the required cycle time, because the bottleneck station has slowed down its speed, so from the perspective of management, the operator of the first station must be truly required to invest according to the specified speed. The conveyor belt speed of the assembly line can also be used to calculate the daily output. The following is the formula for the conveyor belt speed:
Pitch time of conveyor belt = working time of the whole day / daily output * (1 + defect rate)
Speed of conveyor belt = mark interval distance / pitch time of conveyor belt
The so-called mark interval distance is the distance between marks made on the belt of the assembly line. It is hoped that the operator will complete the operation according to the speed of the marks and place it on the belt line; However, the chain line was not marked, and the length of the board was used as the distance between the marks. Why use conveyor belts? In addition to transporting goods, it also has the function of semi forcing operators to complete their operations according to plans. However, it is not necessary to blindly speed up and try, but should be calculated according to the above formula.
2. Observe which station on the pipeline is the bottleneck station:
(1) Always busy station;
(2) Standing with the board always pulled back;
(3) From this station, there was a gap between the boards that had been one after another.
The above three points can be detected visually, and the stopwatch is used to measure them. The operation time is the longest in all stations.
3. Observe the cycle time of the board collector at the last station of the pipeline, that is, the cycle time of the actual output. The cycle time of this station must be equal to the bottleneck station. From this station, we can calculate the efficiency of this assembly line. The formula is as follows: efficiency = input cycle time / actual cycle time = operation time of the first station / operation time of the last station
Of course, the operation time of the bottleneck station can also be calculated, but it is always simpler and practical to observe the last station.
The number of WIP on the assembly line is equal to:
(operation time of the last station - operation time of the first station) * (working time of the whole day / operation time of the last station)
4. Observation on the moving rate of crops
Work rate = time in operation / working time of the whole day
The so-called Jiadong is the effective work on the assembly line. The operator's sitting on the seat does not mean that he is working. Only when he is working can he make products. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the time of the operator's operation. However, in practice, it is impossible to measure every operator all day, so there is a method of job sampling to simulate measurement. In fact, to put it bluntly, it is to see what the operators are doing from time to time.
Assembly line plays an important role in industrial production. Optimization of assembly line is directly related to product quality and production efficiency, so it has become a topic that enterprises have to pay attention to.


Julin Intelligent